The Company

More than 20 years of experience In Medicine, Research and Industry.

IBUR has been on the domestic market since 2015, exclusively providing consultancy services to the healthcare sector. With more than 20 years of experience in medicine, industry and research, in 2018 we began offering quality technical services and guaranteeing more affordable costs for our costumers. We have a trained, specialized technical team with practices that are constantly updated directly with the manufacturer.

Our mission is to provide customers, with products and services that they can use with a guarantee of reliable, quality results. Our values are based on performing our services ethically, professionally and in a constant search for quality and commitment to our customers.

IBUR’s main objective, when it comes to the services provided, is to maintain the highest possible UPTIME of the equipment contracted, with a view to improving the performance of the equipment and the agility, accuracy and effectiveness of the service to reduce equipment downtime. To achieve these results, our service is based on periodic preventive maintenance, aimed at improving equipment performance.

IBUR’s main objective, when it comes to supplying products, is to guarantee exemplary quality in terms of service and cordiality with our customers, making technical sales so that we can meet their needs within the existing BUDGET.

The focus of our work is the sum of our search for excellence and our vast experience with the world’s leading manufacturers of equipment in the areas in question.




Onde Estamos
Av. Engenheiro Luis Carlos Berrini 1140 – Cj. 71
Brooklin São Paulo – SP


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